One of a very few layout-only components, IndentGroup is simply a wrapper for positioning Nested Blocks. In fact, the nested block docs have all you really need to know.
This page is mainly here to demonstrate notion2svelte’s support for the various nesting combinations Notion allows.
As ugly as this looks in Notion, this site’s Example Rendering ↓ is even uglier! I’ve thrown my styles together somewhat fast and loose, and sometimes the vertical spacing looks pretty off. Caveat lector: you’ll almost certainly want to heavily customize the default components provided by notion2svelte.

1. Notion original

2. Notion API

Partial output of src/routes/[slug]/notion-export.js
Ok, so…this output is pretty gnarly: over 600 lines of (formatted) JSON to represent 16 blocks! I don’t have the energy to trim it down with 's, so instead I’ve hidden it all behind this toggle.
You have been warned.

3. Svelte output

Partial output of src/routes/[slug].svelte
  >Even basic Paragraph blocks can contain nested blocks, but Toggles are the classic example
  <span slot="children"
        pageId: 'a5b6af04d0174204a0226bf57fdbe440',
        id: 'ad3fa2b1-ecbd-443e-85f3-3eaa3af1c441',
        created_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z',
        last_edited_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z'
      👋😃 Hi! Im in ur sub-blocks!
        pageId: 'a5b6af04d0174204a0226bf57fdbe440',
        id: '87668b20-4ea9-4064-8440-61dc892eb11e',
        created_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z',
        last_edited_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z'
      🦦💬 Me too!
    <BulletedListItem>I’m bulleted, though</BulletedListItem>
    <Callout emoji="🦦"
      >I’m a callout with my&nbsp;<em>own</em>&nbsp;nested blocks<span slot="children"
          <NumberedListItem number="a">Numbered</NumberedListItem>
            <NumberedListItem number="i">Lists</NumberedListItem>
              <NumberedListItem number="1">At 3 levels</NumberedListItem>
          <NumberedListItem number="b">Ni!</NumberedListItem>
          <TodoItem checked={false}>Todos can also be nested</TodoItem>
            <TodoItem checked={false}>Like this one</TodoItem>
              code={`Even a code block can be nested beneath other blocks!
              language="plain text"
            /><Divider />
                pageId: 'a5b6af04d0174204a0226bf57fdbe440',
                id: '27cd695b-139b-4bae-8921-3da22c46adf3',
                created_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z',
                last_edited_time: '2022-01-26T05:20:00.000Z'
              ↑ (As can dividers)
              >It used to be that callouts and quotes couldn’t have nested blocks…<span
                ><Header level="1">But that’s changed!</Header>
Still a lotta lines, but at least now we’re down by an order of magnitude!

4. Example rendering

Rendered byIndentGroup.svelte (and a bunch of other components!)
Even basic Paragraph blocks can contain nested blocks, but Toggles are the classic example
Fancy horizontal divider

🏠 Browse the docs ⚘

High-level Discussion

Turn-intoable Block Components

Toggle Headings (not yet implemented)

Layout-only Components

Page-level Components

Annotation Components

bold → <strong>

italic → <em>

strikethrough → <s>

Other Components